Monday, January 24, 2005

brett returns from outside

i am back from my trip to florida and fargo, and it was really great. my daughter and i had a fun and relaxed time, best illustrated in the stupid video we did, a big hit every time it has been shown since. and fargo of course is where much family and friends reside, and we had some quality time together. no wasted movement or missed opportunities to connect.

other than that, getting away provided me the perspective i needed to think and pray about many things, small and large. and God has had much to say to me, but i'm afraid to say much about such things in this publicly-accessible format. sorry.

i'm finding that i'm also being careful about many events in the journey that would be great and newsworthy to most anyone reading them, but in the interest of not gossiping, i shall omit them as well. so really, i have no idea what to write about. if nothing is going on, then really, there isn't much to say. but when there finally is something important going on, i have to be cautious about sharing much of it. and i end up rambling on about everything that i feel compelled to not write about. so i will now cop out and tell you about something completely inconsequential.

i haven't had a haircut in about a year. it looks pretty bad i guess. i've tried before to grow my hair long, but i couldn't get it past the awkward stage. i always tried to fix it up, and then messed it up, and then i got frustrated and shaved the whole thing down to nothing.

when you cut your own hair, and i have since the late 80's, it only takes one moment of weakness for you to decide to improve your look. and then, just like that, you're bald again. it's just hair, and it grows back. but the instant gratification of being your own barber is difficult to resist.

so this time i've just kind of ignored it. i'm not sick of it enough to shave it, and i don't have the money to pay for a haircut. so if i can just keep myself from "trimming it" for awhile longer, i might actually become a real live hippy. and this is the exciting news from the world of brett's hair, a subject that i care about so deeply.

dog spit on ya. (it's russian.)


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