Tuesday, June 14, 2005

the blatant threat

it seems rather unnecessary to inform the public that i am temporarily discontinuing my blogging ways, when all you have to do is see when my last post was posted, and then you would kind of get that impression all by yourself. i guess i thought i would leave some sort of an explanation, on the off chance that someone might stop by and wonder if i was ok. this also, is rather ludicrous, since most any casual observer will see by reading the previous post that my daughter is arriving (in one week now) for the bulk of the summer, allowing me to ditch most any reasonable task on the grounds that my daughter is more important than pretty much anything while she is here.

but the real issue here is that nobody actually reads this blog. or if they do, they leave virtually no trace whatsoever in regards to their participation or enjoyment level. so i'm going to withhold all ramblings, vents, newsworthy exclamations and expositionary prose until i get some hard evidence that there are people out there who care. that's right folks, i'm holding my own creative output hostage and demanding ransom. so if you want to know how i feel about anything, if you want to hear about my impending job search, if you want to see photographic evidence of my daughter's phenominal growth, then you know what to do:

click on the "comment" link and say something. if sufficient evidence is found, then i will gleefully inform the entire world on all that is fun, thought-provoking and exciting on a regular basis. but if not, then just get used to a life completely devoid of wit, variety and humor, because i really mean it. and anonymous votes from my mom don't count.

so i guess i would just like to wish everyone a swell summer. happy trails.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

twenty days and counting

my coworkers enjoy james taylor. this is the biggest problem in my life right now.

so while james taylor might be bad (and he is), it still lets everyone know that everything else must be going relatively smoothly at this moment. and it is.

without a complete explanation, i would like to relay that God is doing good things in me. something about finally abandoning my plan for my life and signing on for His plan produced a chain reaction of overwhelmingly positive effects. getting there was not easy, but since i've done that, i must say that i have never had this kind of peace about things before.

and there are a number of things that i am now looking forward to. first and most importantly, my daughter will arrive in less than three weeks. i am completely enthralled with this reality. six whole weeks with my kiddo! in honor of this, i am posting some photos of last summer's visit at my photo page. here's a sample: